Harness the power of Google Ads to attract your potential customers looking for your business


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Why Should You Seriously Consider Advertising on Google? 

Google is unequivocally the most dominant and sophisticated platform on the world wide web, standing as the premier advertising network available.


The advantage of advertising on Google is clear: it's straightforward and enables you to connect with a substantial portion of your target market.


For instance, if a user searches for "Black Shoes for Men," Google will not only show ads for black shoes but also for businesses that offer them.


This capability ensures that you can effectively reach your target audience who are searching for the products and services you provide.



Is Google Advertising for Me?



Google advertising is suitable for all types of businesses.


The critical question is whether it's the right advertising network for your current goals.


Moreover, you should consider if your online funnel can handle the influx of traffic from Google and effectively convert them into paying customers.


With our experts guiding you, you will find all the answers you need.


We Drive Results


In line with our comprehensive strategy, we tackle online marketing holistically.


Our initial step is to confirm that your online marketing funnel is optimized to transform Google traffic into leads or sales. This involves a thorough examination of your entire funnel, from the call-to-action on your website, the copy, loading speed, to your reviews and listings. Our goal is to ensure that when you launch Google Ads, they lead to conversions.



Pricing & FAQ

How much does Umbrella Local's Google Advertising cost?

Our Google Ads campaign begin from $1,000 for a minimum 3-months time period. 

The reason why we offer a minimum 3-months package is that it allows us to optimize our campaigns in an efficient manner, leading to a much better ROI.

What's a marketing funnel?

Marketing comprises of two major elements:

1. Traffic

2. Conversions

These elements are further broken down into different steps as well as attributes. For example, if you are running Google Advertising campaign, then you should make sure that your website is prepared to handle all that incoming traffic from Google. That's the only way you will be able to turn a maximum number of them into paying customers.

Got more questions?
Our experts are waiting to hear from you. 

Contact us TODAY!

Running strategically-planned Google Advertising campaigns can help you attract a world full of traffic towards your website. 


However, you should make sure that your website is fully-prepared to convert that traffic into paying customers. 


Our Google Advertising experts would love to prepare a well-thought Google Ads strategy for your business to help you generate maximum sales and attract high-quality traffic to your website.

Talk with our team today.

Click here to get a proposal